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Kenya: Planning to buy a passenger van? Here is what it will cost you

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Kenya: Latest import/export trends at the Port of Mombasa

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Kenya: KRA denies increasing cost of car imports in new CRSP

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Cost of owning one of the five popular cars

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The most expensive private cars in Kenya

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The Mobius II SUV from Mobius Motors in Kenya

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Kenya: Top people in government with official high end luxury vehicles

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Kenya: CIAK seeks to suspend the new tax index by KRA

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Kenya: Japanese giant vehicle exporter, Be Forward launches in Kenya

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The most expensive cars in Kenya

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Most popular cars in Nairobi, Kenya

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Toyota Tsusho Corporation takes Magal Security Systems Ltd as their integrated security solutions subcontractor

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New car model and double production by Volkswagen in Kenya

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Kenyan city roads to undergo face lift-acquisition of pothole patching machines under way

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Tubeless tyres and wheels are quiet expensive

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Costly used vehicles in Uhuru age limit push